The Winter holidays are marked by the Winter Solstice on the 21st of December.
These days mark the end of Autumn and the beginning of Winter. Traditionally, this is a time of friends and family. Of neighbors and community. Of sharing Kindness and Gratitude.
Of shiny baubles, colored lights, and caloric treats. Of connection to your religion, connection to God, and Expressing Love for Christ.
Hibernation and reflection. A time of planning and development. Preparation for the growth to come.
There is a simple thought that pervades our minds. Shall I rest and entertain myself, or shall I choose to make the efforts for building my tomorrow?
Choose Education over Entertainment.
Rest when you are old. Rest when you are exhausted. Hustle and build now. and change your Tomorrow starting today.
So easy to say, but my favorite Netflix or video game is calling my name.